E.A.S.Y? Not really.

Claire • Married 💍 Mommy to 🌈 👧🏼 Madeline Jane 5.25.19 | Baby boy 💙 coming August 2021!! | 👼🏼 Ectopic pregnancy survivor

I post a lot about my daughter's crap sleeping habits on here.. So I'm blessing you all with another one. I started following the eat awake sleep schedule a few days ago and during the day it works like a charm. I feed my baby a full feed, we play for an hour, I see she's getting sleepy, I put her down for a nap and she goes down fairly quickly, she sleeps 2 hours, I get some much needed time to myself for once, repeat. She eats 4 oz at each feed and gets plenty of food throughout the day and is no longer an overtired refusing to nap baby. That should mean, according to the theory around this schedule, that she should sleep longer through the night. However, I find it's made her sleep WORSE at night now. She sleeps much shorter amounts and wakes even more frequently than she did before when she was overtired and didn't like to nap. So I give up. I really do. I feel like I've tried everything. Nothing works. I already have the wonder weeks app and I know she isn't going through a leap right now and I'm positive it isn't a growth spurt. I'm happy she naps so great during the day, but somehow.. For God knows what reason... It's made her sleep at nighttime worse which is the opposite of the goal it's meant to achieve. I'll keep up this schedule because she is getting more sleep during the day and that's what she needs and truly she's more pleasant throughout the day... But I give up on the pipe dream that my baby will somehow ever sleep through the night longer than 2-4 hours and the VERY OCCASIONAL 5 hour stretch that happens once in a blue moon.

This is me just venting. Because I'm sure I've tried any and all suggestions anyone will make. Trust me. I research constantly on ways to get her to sleep better at night and it really is just me needing to accept that this is the way she's going to be.