Pregnant after miscarriage


So I’ve had 2 back to back miscarriages and my symptoms never got that bad and started to fizzle out then I had my miscarriage.

I’m pregnant now roughly 5 weeks 3 days I ovulated exactly when glow said I would and I know exactly when I conceived so I’m just a nervous nelly but is it a good sign that my breasts are increasingly painful and my nausea getting worse and lasting longer a good sign ? I’m so nervous I go to the dr on the 24th I’ll be around 7 weeks 1 day and I just want to see a baby with a heart beat more than anything I. The world ... with my miscarriages a baby never developed and the pregnancy stopped growing by 5 weeks . I’m on progesterone, prenatal and a low dose mg of aspirin a day... has anyone been threw something similar and the baby was okay?