july mamas we made it

I know most of us are extremely uncomfortable! tired of people asking if we are still pregnant, having twins, under involved (or even over involved) SO, MIL & families. For some of us this pregnancy may have been planned for others total unexpected. Some of us my be overly concentrated on reviews, youtube videos & google (myself lol) and some of us may feel like “i did this before i got this”. many of us had easy healthy pregnancy and some didn’t.

but i just wanted to take the time out and wish everyone a safe/ healthy labor, delivery and baby! I found myself rushing to get my baby out, at 39+3 weeks i’m not dilated and no signs of labor. The everyday “did you have him text” made me like it’s time for me to force myself into labor.. I even have family members trying to force me to get induced. (I decided to give him an extra week before that happens).