Preemie baby girl.


I'm set to have a c section tomorrow. I will only be 29 weeks and 6 days. I'm scared out of my mind and I really just need advice and tips on what to expect. Her due date was September 22nd. She is being delivered due to dangerously low fluid levels (4), IUGR, and no fetal movement. I've recieved steroid shots for her lungs and magnesium for her brain but I'm flying on autopilot. Everything is happening so fast.

Update: Nessa was born at 10:28am on July 13th. 10 weeks and 1 day early. She was born 2 lbs 10.4 oz and 14 1/2 inches long. She is doing great. She was breathing on her own, was able to for about 8 hours before she was put on a ventilator. Nessa is currently being weined off of oxygen and is at a 31% support from the oxygen but is making good strides, she is unable to droo by percentages of 2 but is tolerating the 1% drops much better. We currently are unable to touch her because she gets very excited when stimulated and is pulling at her tubes. I will continue to update. She also has a head full of thick hair ❤