Lost 14lbs at 14 weeks??

Ellie • Mama of 💙🧑🏻SBL 3.19.16 💙🧒🏼AAC 1.22.18 💜👧🏼CEA 1.7.20 💙👶🏻LOM 4.20.22

I’m currently pregnant with my third baby. My first I lost about 5lbs in the first trimester and then stagnated until the last trimester but by the time I gave birth I had gained 16 pounds which my ob was pleased with since I started out obese. My second pregnancy I lost about 10 pounds in the beginning and then gained back 18 for a total of 8 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight; my ob wasn’t concerned then either and I was still breastfeeding my oldest so it made sense that i would gain less. Plus I was still obese when I conceived him. I started this pregnancy obese as well but this time I’ve been consistently losing around 1.5 lbs a week since I was 5 weeks pregnant. I am still super nauseous and vomit at least 2x a week. I can hardly eat no matter what it is; even when I have a craving I can’t stomach more than a couple bites and then I’m not hungry again for hours. I started tracking my calories and I am only getting 800-900 a day even counting what I throw back up. I even started drinking Powerade instead of water to help since I’m not eating. I have an appointment in a couple days but I’m worried that losing this much weight while pregnant isn’t good for me or baby. Anyone have any words of advice or encouragement??