

I'm tired of the occasional late period and getting excited. Sometimes taking a pregnancy test when only 2-3 days late. Keep in mind I'm normally pretty consistent. But I'm scared I might be changing. I was *8* days late today. Husband bought me a couple of dollar tree tests. Tried one after work. Negative. 2 hours later I go to the bathroom and bam that slight tinge of pink that makes your heart sink to the very bottom. I'm just scared that I'm changing too early. I have had small changes to my normal cycles/symptoms over the last year or so. Now this? I've never been 8 days late... My husband (especially) and I have been hopeful for 4 years now. I like to think if we are meant to have a baby it will happen. But it's still heartbreaking to get that moment of excitement that it might be happening this time. And then get shot down by that stupid tinge of pink.