
Nicole • Wife, and mother to a beautiful baby boy 💙💙 3.2.19

You ever just feel unnoticed?

I feel like people including family & friends just either ignore me, or just dont give a fuck.

Im in a group chat with 4 of my cousins and they literally ignore everyone of my texts. I don’t input much but when i do it literally gets ignored. I could ask a question and it will just be ignored and someone else will text and completely railroad me.

I could post something and people would look over it and nothing, but someone else could post the same thing and people would love it.

Im literally at the point where I’m ready to cut everyone out of my life. Im so over it.

One day i was at my aunts house with my 4 months old, my cousin took a picture of him & sent it in a different group text with like 4 of my aunts a few of my cousins.. I’m sitting there & they’re telling me what everyone is saying about my son.... and I’m just like wtf, im definitely NOT in the loop. I feel like the black sheep especially with family members. I honestly dont know what to do anymore. Im exhausted.

I really care too much even though i try not to 😞

*** depressing rant over ***