Sister in law is upsetting.

I know I'm being petty but bear with me. My sister in law is a huge Christian, nothing wrong with it but I am very much NOT Christian. I am extremely open about my spirituality and views on my profile on FB and in life.

I'm Wiccan. After years of being with me, my husband has decided he's pagan and not Christian (his own decision that I didn't push at all but his side thinks I did). His sister for the past few weeks has been inviting me to Christian pages, which I found annoying but I ignored. Until today. Today she sent me a request to join a Christian mom group... Problem is I'm not a mom. This one really upset me because I had a traumatic miscarriage in 2015, which she's aware of. Inviting me to a group like that not only blatantly ignores my beliefs in regard for her own but also brings up the pain of my loss.

Not everyone who has had a miscarriage feels the same way, and that's okay. I personally don't feel like a mom though. I never had a successful pregnancy, I've never had to suffer through the illnesses or the late nights/early mornings, none of it. All I got was pain and even more painful memories and crushed hopes/love. Inviting me to these things just rubs it all in deeper.

I may be totally off base, blinded by my own pain. I just feel like I'm not being respected or truly considered. I feel like she's trying to push her religion and views on me with no consideration of who I am or what I believe. I'm not sure what to do either... I may just delete her off FB.