Ladies Help! Please!!

Jessica • #Chicana🇪🇸 #Trying for baby#1👶 #Mamá of 👼2 babies👼 in heaven.

So my husband n I have been trying to have a baby for two years now. We got pregnant on the first try after depo-provera was completely out of my system, unfortunately we miscarried 😢! December 27, 2017. Since then it has been impossible. I've been pregnant twice both I miscarried. K really need help with advice on wut Yu think about this I'm about to say so please I really appreciate it if yu can help in any way!! So for the 4th of July I started my period but it wasn't a normal period for me AT ALL!! A few days before I had white discharge with pinkish red blood in it literally like a dot or two then on the 4th to the 8th I had light flow m then spotting n a day where I didn't have either n then spotting again. The color was pinkish brown. My period is usually a medium flow n lasts 7-8 days but this one was about 5 if Yu count the day it skipped n started again. Then a few days later I have a yellowish discharge no oder or burning or itching but it has a little bit of blood in it. Fast forward to 3 days ago to now I have been beyond past tired, sleeping more than I usually do n later I've been extremely nauseous n the other morning I woke up was non stop vomiting, I'm really sensitive n I don't cry EVER. Unless it comes to TTC but now I am crying over things that I never did. I'm irritable, more than usual n I am really thirsty, frequently peeing, really vivid dreams, disrupted sleep, some nights I can't sleep at all, my lower back is killing me, I have a constant headache, I'm always hungry, strong cravings, n heartburn. I'm sure I'm missing a few things cus I'm forgetful lately, oh n the strangest one,I'm clumsy but I have gud reflexes lately! My boobs don't really hurt but they are growing n feel full n heavy Is there a possibility that I am pregnant???!!!!! I'm scared to buy a pregnancy test because I am afraid it's all in my head. Wut are yur opinions? Am I finally pregnant?!.... Have any of yu ladies who had these symptoms n turned out to be pregnant?? As yu can see I'm in desperate need of help. I don't have anyone other than my husband I can talk to about this so I really appreciate yur advice, suggestions, input, just much needed much appreciate girl talk!! Thank yu so much in advance 😊 n God bless yu all!