
Andrea • Mommy of 1 and another on the way ❤️

Would be really nice if I can get some advice or tips on how I can revive my hair. It’s not like dead but it’s a bit dry and frizzy .

I was going for silver hair but the process was too long and I eventually gave up. I dyed it with Artic Fox (blackest knight and purple) but now it’s awfully faded even though I have rested it three times to keep the color.

I’ve tried different things such as leaving in conditioner (which has helped)

And a few hair masks .

But idk if I should cut it off orrrrrr what ):

I’m not ready to dye it again. Although I do have to mention that every time I have used a certain hair dye product (revlon, I believe it is) it makes it really soft after I dye it !

Just need a few tips and advice. Would really appreciate it ! Thank you ! ❤️