What to do


I’ve had two miscarriages in past two years. I became pregnant again recently now I’m 9 weeks but before I never was sick like I am now . With my others I was always so worried but I started bleeding with the last two at about 6 weeks. With this one I spotted very light not even for 5 mins went away three weeks ago. The nauseous started like 4th July week and the tiredness . I’ve tried everything for morning sickness I have it all day long. Today I threw up for the first time which is rare because I never puke unless I’m extremely sick or extremely intoxicated 😅 I’m not use to any of this I’m trying not to freak out rn but I’m sick as hell cant tell anyone at work due to the field I’m in. But everytime I smell a chemical I die I can be at home and smell my plug in and get sick. I’ve tried everything I even messaged my doctor but seem to not care about my concerns . I haven’t been eating it’s been almost two weeks I maybe have a soup and salad but nothing more not even fruit it’ll make me puke. What do I do ? I can’t even drink water without getting sick 😩😩😩