Breastmilk Donation


Hello ladies!

I have a 12 week old baby girl, I am an overproducer so I have over 300 oz in my freezer already. My baby WILL NOT take a bottle so it will never get used and is just taking up a ton of freezer space. If anyone is interested in buying my milk at a low price and shipping or buying me supplies I would be grateful.

For those asking any I dont go to milk bank: I am drug, alcohol, and smoke free. I eat clean and am healthy however I think the milk bank is unfair in that it pays donors $1 per oz BUT they sell it for $4 an oz. Most parents who need breastmilk camt afford those prices I know I couldnt so i want to offer it affordably for someone in need but keeping in mind that I need supplies, bags and pump parts to pay for and I would like to at least cover those expenses :)

Message me for any questions !