I'm so mad at myself.


2 years ago I was diagnosed with Autoimmune Progesterone Dermatitis. Never heard of it?? No one has. The week before my period when progesterone spikes I break out into severe hives and have to take prednisone. Well, I haven't had an outbreak in almost a year. I had hoped my body was just over it. Yesterday at 8 weeks they told me my baby has no heartbeat. This would be our first baby. The blood draw showed hcg at 22250 and the progesterone at only 7.8. Why didn't I make them do a blood draw before 8 weeks to show low progesterone and get it fixed?? I'm now thinking that with my APD, that my body has purposefully ensured my progesterone does not go above a certain level so that I don't have to go to the ER for hives. I know so many of you have been through so much more than this and you're so strong. I wish I was as strong as you are. I don't want to get out of bed, ever again.