It Wasn’t an Ingrown Hair, it Was an Infection


I posted a few days ago about an ingrown hair that was growing big and causing a lot of pain.

I called my doctor and they sent me over antibiotics but wouldn’t bring me in because I have an appointment Thursday.

Well my mom told me to go in anyway. I didn’t, I listened to the doctor and took the antibiotics.

By the afternoon I couldn’t walk, couldn’t sit down. Was hurting too bad to pee.

My mom came over to check it out herself and was terrified! She rushed me to the hospital, and they immediately took me back to L&D.

I was told I have an infection in my vagina and they had to perform a procedure immediately to try and drain the infectious fluids.

My doctor was worried it would cause preterm labor and they do not want him coming yet. (31 weeks tomorrow)

I had to sign so many consent forms in order for them to do the procedure at 30 weeks and while AWOKE.

Let me just say this was the worst pain i have EVER felt.

4 needles into my vagina, pushing numbing medicine into the abscess.

I have never felt a burn like this before.

I was cut and drained for over 30 minutes.

My doctor literally had to pick out pieces of the infection that had become hard🥴

I was released today, on bed rest. I have to pack the incision with guaze because it’s still draining fluids.

My vag is swollen to the size of a kids fist.

Only allowed to take Tylenol for pain. So so sore and throbbing.

But I am BLESSED & GRATEFUL for amazingly knowledgeable, kind doctors who took care of me And my son so well.

I go back Thursday for more test and to see if everything has drained.

Praying for the best.

Moral of the story; MOMMA KNOWS BEST.

I’ll definitely listen to my mom next time she tell me to go to the hospital.

Btw baby’s heart rate, fluids, and size were measuring perfectly fine. Thank You God❤️