Long post-MMC continued complications HELP

Brittany • Married 💍 Rosalie 👼🏻 Dorothy🌈 Edelynn🦋 John🤠

Hey ladies, it’s me again. So I’ll start from the begging for those that haven’t been following my story. I had a MMC diagnosed on 5/14. Had my D&E on 5/16. When I went back for my two weeks follow up I tell the doc I’m still getting positive home pregnancy tests so we do some blood work. They were still around 3600 so we do an ultrasound to try to see what’s going on. No residual tissue can be seen, no tubal pregnancy, no new pregnancy. So we continue to monitor my HCG weekly and it begins to plateau at around 1700 at 4 weeks post D&E. So we do methotrexate injections to try to eat away whatever is causing the HCG to hang around. Dropped from 1700 to 270 in 2 weeks time. Excellent! I thought we were finally getting there. Then the next week I am at 150. Then the next week 177. So now, after ruling out a new pregnancy with draws every other day we did another D&C today. The doctor showed me images from inside my uterus and tells me I had placenta accreta. I’ve never even heard of this in miscarriage situations. So now I am already 9 weeks post loss and he originally told us we didn’t have to wait to try again but with this new diagnosis he wants me to wait 3-4 true cycles before trying again to let the area heal. This of course puts me at risk for placenta accreta again regardless of how long it takes to get pregnant and that is terrifying. Just wondering if anyone had these issues, how long you waited, the outcome. All I’ve wanted since my loss was to be able to try again so when I went in this morning I was excited for the procedure, excited for it all to be over and now this A little crushed right now.