Saving tips? Joint Accounts?


I would like to know some of your saving tricks with your spouse? Do you think having joint accounts work best for you? I only ask this because sometimes I feel like saving is so difficult. Also because I’ve heard from other girl friends that they don’t believe in joint accounts because they like having their own money and so forward. Personally I have a joint account with my husband and we don’t see it as my money or your money type of thing. Whatever money we get just goes into the same account nor do we say “I pay half utilities or rent.” We just pay with the money that’s in the account. I’ve always been the one to handle all the bills and keeping everything organized and my husband is more like “babe I bring the money in, you be the secretary” 😂 Now I’m a SAHM (been a month now) not use to not working soo I would love to hear everyone’s saving tricks and thoughts on having joint accounts in a marriage. 😊