Don’t eat strawberries

Y’all don’t ever eat strawberries while pregnant. I ate a ton for lunch... a couple of hours later I had forgotten and needed to throw up. Cause you know..: pregnancy 🙄 well, I was leaning over the toilet and it finally all came out... I started screaming... the toilet bowl was filled with red liquid, I thought for sure I was throwing up blood... my husband comes rushing in and takes one look at the toilet and about passes out... I start crying... no.. sobbing... because I thought I was dying. We were at my moms, so she comes running in (she’s a nurse so she’s not scared of nuthin)... and she starts laughing.. I started screaming at her that I was dying...she said “You ate a butt load of strawberries for lunch.. stop crying!”... and continues to laugh... and so that’s my story....