37 weeks and Baby flipped, insight on ECVs?? 😭😭😭


I'm 37w3d and am seeing my doctor every week until I deliver. Last week, at my 36 week appointment, the OB did an ultrasound and baby was head down. Not completely, he was kind of at an angle, but at least generally in the right position. Well today, 6 days later, I laid down on the exam table to do another ultrasound to check baby's position and make a remark about a noticeably pointy bulge from the middle of my stomach. The doctor said it's probably his butt, but then when he starts the scan, he realized it's actually the baby's head.

So after checking baby's heartrate, he quickly left to schedule an external cephalic version, which I'll be doing tomorrow. Has anyone successfully had one or have any experience going through it?? I'm so heartbroken that baby flipped so close to my due date.

My pregnancy has been incredibly uneventful which makes this "hiccup" even more devastating, coupled with the fact that I'm scared out of my mind to do a C-section. I know they're generally safe and all, but that recovery period sounds terrible and I just really didn't expect this considering how smooth everything else has been up to this point. 😭