They’re just gone...


So I was having to move suddenly and had to find homes for my two fur babies as I wasn’t able to take them since I don’t have a place to stay. I had a couple people lined up but everything fell through on the last day. It was to the point was I was about to have to surrender them to a shelter and I made one last ditch post on Facebook yesterday to try to find something for them temporary or permanent.

One friend of mine on there asked me what was going on and why I was rehoming them and I messaged her and explained. She offered to keep them for me temporarily and even though I knew the living situation for my fur babies wouldn’t be great it was the best I had and I figured it would be better than a shelter for the time being. I explained to her that I was still looking for a home for them and if she was able to find one first to let me know.

So I dropped them off and while I wouldn’t say it went great it went as smooth as I could’ve expected with it being a new people in a new place and so forth. I left a bag of dog food and their treats with them and told her if she needed anything to let me know.

Shortly after I left she messaged me saying they lost it after I left and started growling so she put them outside in a kennel. I replied back asking if she wanted me to come by later to try to help calm them down and she said no she had it.

So today I planned on going over there because 1) I wanted to see my babies and 2) my boy she had my old dogs collar that passed away on and I planned on swapping it for a new one I got since I wanted to keep my old dogs collar.

I messaged her and asked if it would be ok for me to come by and new got an answer so I wound up driving by to see if anyone was even home. As I pull up she’s in a car but leaves before I can even open my door. Her husband is there and I’m like hey sorry for just stopping by I just wanted to see the dogs and such.

The man was confused about me saying that. He didn’t know she had agreed to keep them. He then tells me that someone had come by that morning and picked them up in a older truck. I lost it. I’m crying cause my babies are gone and I didn’t even really say goodbye cause I didn’t know. He doesn’t know what exactly happened either.

So I message her and I’m like I need to know what happened to them because 1) I want that collar back cause it means a lot to me 2) they’re my babies and 3) my girl she had is chipped and if she found a home I need to get that transferred and 4) if they were taken I need to file a report asap.

Thirty minutes later I get a reply and we go back and forth. To shorten that part up she claims I surrendered them to her and she has proof and found them homes. I did not surrender them to her and all the messages state it was temporary while homes were found.

So I need the info on where they are and she says she can’t give it to me cause it’s at the house on her other phone and she had to go to about an hour way for a family emergency but she get it to me when she gets home but never gives me a time frame.

I have no idea what to do cause it’s been for hours and I still have nothing but a couple names and her friends list on FB is private so I can’t even try to find the names she mentioned there.

So now I’m pregnant and freaking out cause my dogs are just gone and I was never told and I’m now wishing I had taken them to a shelter cause at least they would’ve been taken care of and not just given to who knows who even though I wouldn’t have known anything.