Do I owe this guy an apology or no?

I had been talking to this guy from tinder since April, and we only got to go out on one date because we've both been traveling like crazy (our schedules would start to sync up again in the fall). We snap chatted every day almost constantly so I started to get pretty attached and I REALLY liked him when we went out together. From the exterior he's literally my dream guy, shares so many of the same interests, values, etc. But, he was always a little wishy washy as far as showing interest in me goes. So, a few days ago I finally got so frustrated and fed up so I asked him what the story was, and he said he'd "say he was interested but that he was still on tinder and keeping his options open". Its obviously fine that he's on tinder because we were in no way exclusive, but the way he bluntly told me he was keeping his options open hurt me because it basically read like "you're ok but I'm not convinced there's not someone better" to me. So I kinda went off a little and told him that no one wants to hear that they're just an option, and that I was asking because I was hoping we'd go somewhere, but that if he felt that way I wasn't really down for that. He told me that's "how it is and this has been all he can manage for now" and I responded saying I wasn't sure what he meant and he left me on read. It's been two days now and I haven't heard from him and it's honestly bothering me way more than it should. I know it's ridic but I'm way too sensitive and I hate losing people. Do I owe him an apology?? Or do I just need to cut the shit and get over it if he's just gonna leave me on read like that? The last thing I wanna do is seem more desperate.