Anyone else with low blood pressure/circulation issues?


I’ve had low blood pressure for as long as I can remember. My doctor currently has a note in my file about it being low because it always freaked the nurses out (especially during my first pregnancy).

In the winter I have issues with my fingers turning completely white (Raynaud’s syndrome). This is the poor circulation.

I’ve had issues in the past where if I stand up too quickly I’ll feel lightheaded and my doctor even asked about it recently but I brushed it off because I’ve always been told I run low.

Well today I stood up and got so lightheaded and had intense blurry vision. I had to kneel down because I was sure I was about to fall over. I’ve been drinking water and had some good protein for lunch just in case it’s low iron but the lightheaded feeling isn’t completely going away. I feel exhausted and if I stand I feel faint.

I’m waiting for a callback from my doctor but until then does anyone deal with this and have advice?? I have a two year old and I can’t keep up with this kid while feeling like I’m about to pass out.