Need insight for nighttime set up and routine


I’m having a hard time visualizing how we are going to practically handle the nighttime feeding schedule and would love some input from mamas who’ve been there before...

I plan on nursing as long as possible so I’ll obviously be the sole feeder for the first several weeks - and I want to make sure my hubby gets good, solid sleep since he has a demanding job and will be working extra hours (I’m not eligible for maternity leave so we’ll rely solely on him).

So my question is: what makes most sense for where to nurse? We have a bassinet in our room but my fear is that the light and noise will keep hubby awake. Do I go into the nursery for every feeding? Do we put the rocker in our room with a nightlight to keep as quiet and dim as possible? Do I just sleep in a separate room with Baby?

I’d love to hear what has worked best with other families. I don’t expect my husband to be awake with me all night, so I’d like to respect his need for sleep but also don’t want to necessarily sleep in separate rooms!
