Babyname !

I LOVE the name Malaysia nickname Asia

I think it’s very cute my husband says its to black for our baby

I’m a quarter black and he’s a dark Mexican so its not like our kids are white paint ahaha !

He kinda pissed me off saying it’s a black girl name. I don’t believe so. I feel like he throws some racist shit at me sometimes? I don’t even think it’s towards blacks it’s just a different unique name and I love different unique names for our kids

My name you don’t hear everyday But it’s a old rare Hispanic name I just wish we could come to an agreement

The names he throws out at me is like some little old white lady names and I don’t like it I have no idea how to comprise with him our rule was if ours kids were girls I chose names. If it’s a boy he chose names. Now he’s backing out on it and it’s driving me nuts. Our son he wanted him named after him even though I did not want to but I went with our rule. Now he don’t wanna go with it 🙄