Partner refuse to bond with our son

Iyrah • LucasDillon 11/06/2019 💙🥰🥰😍

So my son is 5w2days

At first when he was in icu

My partner helped alot, but now we are home he picks him up literally ONCE a day no joke! His excuse is he’s dusty from work! I feel like jumping on him and kicking the shit out of his face to be perfectly honest! My son screams when he’s with him as if he’s a stranger his priorities are completely wrong!! Because his stupid brother caused drama with someone and they said they was going to shoot his mums house! And he happily went down there incase something happened! Erm NO! Thats not putting yur son first that’s getting involved in drama that yur OLDER brother can sort out!

When i ask him to bond with my son, his response is yur annoying! I swear he’s going to make me loose my fucking shit! If he doesn’t start putting Lucas first!