
So this happened I was going into the living room to grab my blank because my boyfriend had took our comforter. We were fighting because I found out he had a tinder. Oh by the way I’m 29 weeks pregnant. As I reached for it he pushed me and natural reaction I pushed him back. Then he really pushed me and I landed across the room. After that this is what he says. Am I wrong. I don’t know what to do from here.

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Posted at
He might have tinder, but that's not an excuse to take his phone. And you reaching for it isn't an excuse to ouch you around.And who the fuck talks about it on their phone after it happened?Just get out. He clearly doesn't care about you.


🦭 • Jul 19, 2019
She already has a baby in her stomach that can get hurt. So hopefully nothing serious happened this time.


🦭 • Jul 19, 2019
Okay, it doesn't change much. I would still leave 🤷🏻‍♀️


Posted at
I am so sorry you are going through this. You need to realize that you are together with a guy that has a tinder profile. He has cheated on you or is very much planning to.You are together with a guy that has assaulted you while pregnant (actually it’s a huge red flag regardless of pregnancy). He endangered your unborn baby. He also makes it look like it’s your own fault for being assaulted. It’s called gaslighting (making you doubt yourself and your sanity).Read it over again until it sinks in. How many more red flags do you need? You deserve better.Your baby deserves better.I know it’s hard but please realize he is not going to change and that this is only getting worse. It’s easier to leave while still pregnant. Once the baby gets here it will be much harder. Please have friends/family help you leave as soon as possible.


Posted at
I would leave his ass! I’m sorry but you don’t deserve to get treated like that especially while carrying his baby. Trust me the longer you stay the worse it may get. If he can put his hands on you while your pregnant then who knows what else he might do to you. Leave now while you can before it’s to late. Do you have family you can move in with? I’m sorry your going through this no women ever deserves to get pushed around like that and the fact he made a tinder account shows he doesn’t even care about your guys relationship.


Posted at
Not okay! I would recommend you reach out to the National Domestic Abuse hotline. You can either call or chat them and they will give you articles to read and resources. They always have a great perspective and it can help clear your head and feel validated. Sorry this happened to you. Big hugs.


Amanda • Jul 19, 2019
I read years ago that if it feels like abuse, it’s probably abuse. The fact that you are asking means your spidey-senses know something is wrong. We just all have to learn to listen and trust our perceptions.


Amanda • Jul 19, 2019
It’s anonymous if you call or chat them. I do not like that he put his hands on you.


Posted at
Wait you were grabbing your blanket and he did that or his phone? REGARDLESS that is not okay and a HUGE red flag. Has he ever been violent before? I’d be scared to have your baby around him.... especially when you’re pregnant he could have hurt you or the baby. That is not okay...


Posted at
Check YES or NO:1. He is on tinder2. He’s physically abusive3. He’s willing to risk his child’s safety4. He can’t own up to his wrongdoings5. He tries to blame YOU for his behavior Check YES or NO:1. Is this the man of your dreams?2. Is this the environment you want to raise a child in?3. Is that the behavior you want your child to witness? And mirror back to you?4. Is he worth the risk of your child’s safety and well-being?5. Is it your fault?6. Do you feel safe in this relationship? Mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually?Check YES or NO:1. do you deserve better?2. Does your child deserve better?


Posted at
I’d leave my man immediately after this. There’s no way in hell I would allow myself to stay with a shitty, rude person like him. I don’t care about becoming a single mother, I’d rather be in a happy home environment with my baby than stay with him.


Posted at
Hes not well in the head. I'd press assault charges and kick his ass out


Posted at
Please leave. That’s not a safe environment. That is abuse. Also if you landed across the room you may want to get checked out to make sure your baby is okay.


Posted at
He has secrets... If you have nothing to hide, you can look no problem.. but he wants you to stay away from his phone.. my husband is loyal. No accounts no secrets he even let me call the numbers if i do not trust the case.. and vice versa.Its a huge red flag, choose you and your baby. He probably want to look over the other fence soon