Baby outfits

Gowns or onesies for hospital??? I originally packed onesies in my little boys diaper bag but now I'm wondering if I should do gowns. He has a onesie with pants for the ride home.

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In the hospital I just used what the hospital gave us until it was time to go home! Less laundry 😂


Ashley • Jul 19, 2019
Same here!!! The less I use of mine the less mess when I get home.


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Same. I learned with my first that they come on ALL THE TIME to do tests and check on baby, and it made me so mad having to constantly dress and undress her. I just either kept them in their onside or swaddled the whole time.


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Neither. I just used the hospital's baby clothes and blankets. I only brought a going home outfit.


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Just onsies


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Hospital provides clothes. With all the tests, checking and diaper changes just go with a couple swaddles and a going home outfit 😉


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I’m boring just onesies