My Weight Story


So when I was younger my dad was kinda rude to me. He used to try to tell me stop eating so much cause I was fat. I was 14 or 15 here. And I look back and think I wasnt fat at all I was just a thicker girl.

But I tried to lose weight. Everytime I saw a great pounds getting shaved off. I quit and I never knew why.

I just keep getting bigger and bigger and I just always remembered my dad saying I was fat as a kid. It hurt me soo much tbh. I never truly loved myself

And now I’m 22 years old and I think im pretty big. But my boyfriend thinks I’m beautiful the way I am. He told me if you wanna lose weight I’ll help you. He tells me I’m not fat.

But now I think I’m ready to do it cause I wanna do it for me. Do you guys think I’m fat or do you just see me as a chunkier girl. Any tips on losing weight please ! I’ll take it.

(PS: My boobs look smaller now because I actually had a breast reduction I wore a 40 something i at the time yes ” I “😂)