one day 🤞🏼

Jessica • 25. happily married. and prayin’ for a blessing ✨

so i was super stoked because my period was 4 days late. and on the 5th day it decided to show up.

am i bummed, yes. very. but for some reason i’m not as sad as i thought i’d be. i had a feeling it would start soon. i was just hoping that maybe this time was it.

but it’s okay. cause i know in time when it’s the best timing, God will bless my husband and i with an amazing little one. and the wait will be so worth it!

so my husband and i decided that we were gonna stop actively trying, and just enjoy our time together before a baby comes. we celebrate our 2 year anniversary in sept. so we’re planning a nice getaway for that and i’m happy now that i don’t have to hold back, and won’t be sick on our trip! 🧡