Positive followed by negatives = emotions


Hey ladies,

This morning I got a positive test, ok it was faint but it was there and I could see it clearly without changing photos etc. I said wouldn't get excited but I did it took 16 cycles with our son and I thought we'd done it in 3 this time.

This afternoon I held out for as long as possible dipped 3 tests in the same week and all were very negative.

I was absolutely deverstated. I didn't want to get excited but I did. Last time we tried for a baby I made myself sick with all the TTC testing etc and I promised I wouldn't this time and I hadn't at all. I tested because I'd gone off coffee like I did with our son but now I dunno what to believe. Period is due Monday and I'm getting cramping on an off so do you think I'm actually out for the count now?