is it just me or??

okay ladies! i have some things to get off my chest!! i am currently 13 weeks and 5 days pregnant, with my husbands 2nd baby. before we got married he didn’t do the things to me he does now. like for instance it’s 92 degrees out here in indiana we have a heat advisory and i was going to run to the gas station to get a soda and some gasoline for my car, and he was wanting to go with me but then i was changing into shorts because of the heat and he says “ we’ll have fun going without me; i’ll see ya when you get back “ i said okay. normally if we wouldn’t have been married he wouldn’t have said this.... i can’t wear tank tops, i can’t wear shorts or i’m a “ skank “ and i can’t have girls that are friends or i’m a whore and i can’t have my friend who’s a girl come over to my house that lives right down the road from me. he has to know how much i get paid and he works more than i do and i don’t have any money at all and he’s got a bank account and claimed my children which aren’t his on taxes and i didn’t see any of that money... also, i am very close with my father but yet he throws a fit because he owes my dad money and he talks shit about my dad and he gets angry when i go visit him like tonight i’m going for instance and then he makes me have my location on my iphone at all times and his too and i can’t work in a trailer factory because other guys work there and this was way before i became pregnant with our first. he was married to this other girl before me and gas 3 kids and we have one and one on the way and he can have her number in his phon but i can’t have my two baby daddies numbers or their mothers numbers in my phone i can’t buy anything for myself or he questions me and bitches at me, i have not given him any reson not to trust me, and we are only supposed to share a facebook, he’s smacked me in the face before, he’s kicked me in the vagina so hard that i had a hematoma on my left labia, had to go to the hospital, he’s body slammed me before; but i’ve also defended myself and he’s even three thanksgiving dinner at me before.... when we’re fighting he uses my kids and stuff against me. and i have mental health issues due to FAS during my mother’s pregnancy; and i’m 28 years old and he’s recorded me hitting him back and then he gets it on recording and says “ what are you doing? stop hitting me “ like to make me look bad, when i leave y go to work or to town, he records me with his phone and then tells the phone oh she’s leaving again and makes up more lies!!!! i wanna divorce but getting my kids back myself and to me only is my only thing i’m waiting on! i just need some answers or someone to talk to me!!!