
Okay, so my body doesn’t make enough progesterone regularly so whenever I get pregnant I have to immediately get on suppositories.

100mg, one at night and one in the morning.

I’m 4w2d with my second baby and I think I’m overthinking it so please tell me if I am or not but I have to pick up my husband tomorrow morning at 5am from work and take him to his full time job across town and I’ll be spending the day with my grandparents so I won’t be back home until evening.

I have to be up at 4 and get dressed and ready and get our little one ready too. So I’m going to take my morning suppository at like 2:30-3am and my night time one tonight at 9pm. So it’s like five hours apart, that’s okay right? Like should I be doing this different? I’m so afraid I’ll mess up and miscarry like I did my first two pregnancies (before I found out my lack of progesterone problems)

Please help. I’m so worried. I hope I’m just overthinking