Help! 17wks with Interstitial Cystitis


Hi ladies. I’ve had IC for over 10 years now and have been able to manage it with my diet with no issues for the most part. Now, I am 17 weeks pregnant with my first and I literally have to pee like every 10 minutes. I expected the increased frequency from an already overactive bladder, but this is ridiculous! I don’t think I’m having any burning (I seriously can’t tell anymore), but I think some of my general abdominal pain is related to my IC as well.

I need some help ladies. I only drink one 8oz cup of coffee in the am and then nothing but water the rest of the day. I am up all night running to the bathroom and can’t sleep. Any tips or advice? Are there any medications that are safe to take during pregnancy? I’m guessing not since it’s an inflammation of the bladder and you can’t take anti-inflammatories. Seriously though...any help would be greatly appreciated.