To tell or not to tell?!?!

Molly • 👨🏻‍🌾👩🏼‍🌾👦🏼🧒🏻🤰🏼

Hey mamas! We iust found out we’re pregnant with #2 a few days ago and I’m about 6 weeks today. Our apt isn’t until August 6th so we still have a while before we were going to tell our families. My parents are wanting to hang out tomorrow or this week and do dinner or something and they know we’ve been trying so if I don’t drink they will definitely know I’m pregnant! So my question is even though we haven’t been to the dr do you think it’s okay to just go ahead and tell them and just make them promise to keep it a secret? I can’t avoid them for two weeks so I either need a really good excuse or to just tell them haha My husband is saying its up to me and I really want to tell them I’m just nervous! What would you do?? Thanks in advance! Pic of my little man for attention 🤪 he’s not to sure about sharing mama (or her boobies) yet 😂

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Posted at
The reason most people hold off on telling is because of potential miscarriage. For me, I'm very close with my family and have a close group of friends. I told a select group of people who can be excited with me now and there for me if I need them. There are no rules about this, go with what your heart is saying!


Posted at
I can't keep mine a secret for even a day, I'm just so sick. We told everyone week 9 of my last one and we lost baby week 11. But I had the greatest support group in the world and I wouldn't change a thing. Now I'm here again, terrified I'm going to lose it again, but telling or not telling doesn't change the outcome either way, so do what you feel is best for you!


Molly • Jul 21, 2019
Thank you! Praying for a healthy pregnancy for you!


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I personally told my best friends and my parents straight away, purely because I’ve had several loses and I figured if I lose this one I’d need their support. It’s your baby so you do what you feel is right


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I told anyone who would listen the second I saw a faint line lol. I’ve had some losses and have learned that, for me, the more support the better so I have no reason not to share the news :)


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With my first one, I went to see my mom at her work since she forgot a book at my place when she last visited - and she straight up asked me if I was pregnant 😁 Moms have a sixth sense about these things, especially if you're really close like we are


Molly • Jul 21, 2019
Haha! My mom knew with my first one too! That’s so funnny


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I would tell as long as they are understanding if god forbid something goes wrong!


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So cute! I told my parents early with the first and haven’t yet with #2 but probably will after our ultrasound Monday. If you’re close to them I’d say go for it : )


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Thank you all for your advice and stories!! I’m really bad at keeping secrets so I think I’m going to tell them 😬 it was easier last time because they were out of town so we had to wait until they got back anyways! I don’t think I can hide it for two more weeks because it’s all I’m talking about 😅 and I will need their support no matter what happens-that was good advice. Thanks again and I hope we all have healthy pregnancies!! 💙💕💚


Posted at
I’m going to say no. We told our families last time at 6 weeks and had a miscarriage days later. Since we had a perfectly healthy first pregnancy we didn’t think twice about telling. Having to go back and tell excited grandparents about it was the worst. But do what you feel is right!


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I am also 6 weeks and have a big family picnic today. I am so bloated that it’s noticeable. I am just going with the flow and just say no I am and it’s just too hot out for drinking. If they notice you aren’t drinking, you could say that you’re driving home, choosing not to as you’re ttc. Really in the end it’s none of their business even though they’d be super excited!