What really works ?! Help !

Valentina • Proud Wife 💋 & Proud Momma of 2 💋▪️TTC #3💋

So I’m about done being pregnant about to hit week 39 , I need ways to successfully induce my labor

I already do a lot of mommy dancing if you get what I mean with husband 😏 and he’s been trying the milk if you get what I’m saying too

Soo yeah....

I been eating spicy food

I walk like you have no idea (car doesn’t work FML 🤗)

I’m not ever using castor oil after baby #1 bc all I did was shit my self

My mucus plug is shedding already no bloody mucus but I am soft and 30 % -3 whatever that means in my cervix so anyone can help a mom out thanks It is over 100 ° I can’t take it I don’t want to ask for potosin