Do you think I’m wrong or my mom ?


Lmao 😂 my mom being big petty and guess what ? I still don’t care 🤷🏽‍♀️ this all started over a fucking lollipop y’all. I gave my daughter a lollipop that was hers way back from Easter (mind you all of them had an Easter buckets with the same candy they just finished it all in one shot) but anyway I don’t allow my child to eat candy like that. My mom got this rule going on where I shouldn’t give my daughter anything if I don’t have enough to share and if I do Give her something I gotta hide my daughter while she eats it and I understand to a certain point but I feel like they don’t need to get everything she gets all the time!! (Not only that but it’s not like I went out and bought it and just gave kalanii something and not them) she is teaching them that they can have everything that someone else have and I feel like the lesson starts at home. And so now she so calls herself tryna teach me a lesson but in the process she coming for my daughter! She made my brother and sibling a forky out of balloons, she bought them lolipops , and now she bought them mc Donald’s and ice cream. But it’s all good I will continue to be unbothered because ain’t no blessings going to come her way and karma is a bitch. And plus I know at the end of the day she wants a reaction.