Feeling good makes me anxious


I know in the 2nd trimester symptoms ease up, which mine have, but I just don’t feel pregnant. I’m 15w5d and have little to no symptoms, my bump is growing but sometimes I just convince myself it’s just fat/bloat. I can’t feel my babe move and it all just stresses me out. I don’t have another US until aug.23rd. My most recent was at almost 11weeks and all was perfect. I have a doppler, but I don’t like to use it often, but have found myself using it almost every morning just to make sure I’m not crazy. This is our rainbow after 2 losses and 4 years of struggling to get pregnant. To say I’m anxious might be an understatement. Anyone else feel the same? Would it be completely unreasonable to call and see if they can schedule an us between now and 20 weeks? Thanks ladies!