Will I be enough?


The last couple weeks have been rough. I’m sore all the time, not sleeping, having pressure in my hips and pelvis and can’t walk without getting contractions. Work has also been stressful because my boss waited until the last minute to fire my coworker and then hire two people as contractors to fill in during my maternity leave. I have four weeks until my scheduled c-section, if I make it until then, and she wants me to train these people in that time frame and keep up on my regular duties.

Needless to say, all I want to do is rest. I also have a 3.5 year old boy and I mostly single parent due to a recent separation and work schedules. I’m freaking out. I know I’m not giving my son the attention he needs right now. He’s been acting out and throwing more tantrums than usual. I know it will be even more difficult with a newborn and the recovery from a c-section. I get moments of absolute panic when I think about having a new infant to care for on top of all of this. Any veteran moms who can give some advice on how to make the transition from 1 to 2 easier? Are there activities I could have on stand by for the days I’m too exhausted to function but know my son needs attention?