Venting .... in-laws


I know a while back I mentioned that I wasn’t getting along with my in-laws . Well now that I’m pregnant and soon to have my little girl there’s this one in-law specifically my husband older sister can’t seem to get along with her . Last year my husband and. Her got into a disagreement and she told my husband some hurtful stuff and she basically threat me by wanting to fight me because she said that every time they argue it’s always because of me how my husband puts me first as a priority. Well this whole argument led us to not talk to my husband family for some time . Well the point is that I don’t want her in the hospital nor around my kids same with my husband he doesn’t want her around although she told my husband dad that she was sorry for that she said and that she wanted to start our fresh and that she wanted to be part of our little family which my husband said that that would never happen . So now I’m stressing because she’s moving back with her parents and bringing her husband from Mexico so that means we are not going to be able to hang out with my other in-laws since she’s going to be there . But how do I let my husband mom without being a bitch that I don’t want her older daughter in the hospital . Is it my responsibility to let my husband mom know that I don’t want to her around or is it my husband . Please any advice !!