Early stages of labor?? What do you think?!

I’m 39+4 and for the last 5 days now i’ve had nonstop (literally non stop it has not gone away in 5 days) cramping in my lower belly kinda like menstrual cramps and its wrapped all around my lower belly under bump and around my hips. Occasionally i’ll get terrible back pains it just shoots all around my belly and back. Also tightening in my stomach during the really intense ones. My last appt they said I finally dilated but wasnt quite to a 2 yet and that was after only a day of the cramping maybe 2 I don’t remember. They said the process can happen pretty rapidly and once i’m at a 3 they will admit me to L&D. I’m a FTM and have no idea what to expect i’m nervous and anxious but sooo ready and miserable. they want to see me on my due date to see what they will do next.. They said I still very well could come before due date but I find it unlikely. But I feel like i’ve been in the early stages of labor for days and it hurts sooo bad. So much pressure I feel like I have to take a giant dump with all this pressure on my butthole and I just cant and everything is so painful!! what do you think? big day finally approaching??

EDIT:: So i’ve been having regular pains probably every 3-6 mins and they are really bad/intense/uncomfortable. I would say pain level is a 5 out of 10 and its been coming for 3 hours now. I just dont want to seem embarrassed if its nothing. It feels so horrible and so much pressure and my butthole hurts?! And my stomach has been tightening especially at the top while I have sharp pains at the bottom and she was moving for about an hour in between the tightening and pain which was also hurting but she finally stopped. Its also bringing gas while i’m having the tightening and pain i’ll end up farting or feeling like I have to so is that gas pains or can that still be considered contractions? It definitely feels like its getting worse as the hours go by and I feel so relieved when they stop for those few minutes until they start up again.