Husband not as crazy about me

Hi ladies, I never thought I would be posting something like this on here but I’m desperate for some advice. My little one just turned 6 months old. I have the most amazing sweet husband, but we have been lacking in the sexual intimacy and I need some suggestions.

Backstory: we have been together a couple years, got pregnant, got married, and have loved across the country within one year. We knew we were each others forever right away and went to school together since we were young. We dated when we were in college and every time we got to see each other we were crazy like absolute bunnies. Hence how we got pregnant 😂 we were crazy and eager to start our family and wild about each other. Constantly having sex and I mean constantly. Always flirty texting and snap chatting and making out and being sweet. While he is still affectionate and sweet with me and texts me sweetly, we only have sex once a week. Whenever I try to initiate a dirty conversation he basically laughs it off.

I think it was since we got married that our sex life changed. Even when I was pregnant before we got married he was still very kinky with me. I feel like since we got married he is not as kinky and we only have sex when he wants it. We only have sex in our bed. He won’t have sex unless he is in the mood. If I am it doesn’t matter he will say he’s tired. I will try to kiss him, tell him something dirty, dress nice, etc. I am in good shape post baby and still put in effort every day. I try to meet his needs around the house (stay at home mom atm). We are 22 and I just wish so badly that he would come home from work and want to grab me and kiss me and make love to me. I just want to be desired so badly by him. He still does desire me. He calls me cute and screen shots any selfie I send him 😂 he’s so adorable like that and still texts me lovey dovey when he is away for work but it’s different. I want him to really want me.

I have tried to talk to him about it with how I wish we had sex more and how I feel like my needs aren’t being met and asking what I can do better but he says he is happy and just tired and nothing changed. I try to be patient because we have gone through a whole lot of changes this year. It’s just hard. Nap time for our 6 month old I’m always ready to get down and he just doesn’t seem interested. Same with at bed time unless he is in the mood once in awhile. Only once every week to two weeks we are intimate.
