Not feeling the excitement of having a baby

I feel like everyone is more excited than I am to have a baby... I’m excited but scared. Probably more so scared of caring for a child the rest of my life. I’m 23, and I can’t help but to be a little pushed back. My family and friends are all so excited. And I feel terrible to be not excited as them... I know I’ll love her when she’s born and won’t change anything (as people have told me) but right now it feels like it’s not even going to happen... I had a miscarriage last december. And maybe that’s why I’m so on the fence. Because I didn’t get that baby. And now I feel as if something is going to happen to this baby, and I won’t get to meet her.. so I’m hesitant to become excited. I have my anatomy scan Tuesday, and maybe that will help things become more real. Idk. 😔