My 42+2 emergency birth story


I was brought to the hospital at 42 weeks to start my induction, I was given a Foley catheter to help shorten my cervix(not even painful at all) the next morning at 745 the catheter fell out so I paged my midwife and she told me to meet her at the hospital for 10am for the next steps. By the time we get there I was contracting regularly but not intense enough so she told me to walk the halls and stairs and they’d admit me and break my water at 1. Time comes, we get admitted, she breaks my water- and everything stops. I had ALOT of fluid.. like I mean so much that she was concerned. They decided to start me on pitocin ASAP to get this baby out. Contractions are no jokeeeeeeee, I got an epidural by the time I was 6cms! And progressed fairly quickly from there. I got a cervix check, was 9 cms but baby’s head still wasn’t engaged enough, so hubby and I were told to take a quick rest and get ready for the finale. It was about 15 mins into our quick sleep that alarms started going off left right and centre. Baby’s heart rate spiked and wouldn’t come down. Midwife did all my vitals and sure enough I had a fever. One cervix check later confirmed that I had a uterine infection and he needed to get here NOW. So here I am.. laboured all the way though I’m 9 cms and resisting the urge to push and I’m being wheeled off to have a c section... I basically did my one birth both ways! In the end baby and I are totally safe AND HE WEIGHS A WHOPPING 10lbs 2oz!!!!!!