Baby not wanting formula

My baby has been on formula since she was 2 weeks old. However lately she isn’t interested in it. She’s 6 1/2 months old and I have to force her all day to drink some formula. She eats 3 solid meals a day no problem, but it’s like torture getting her to take her bottles. I know I’m going to get a lot of flak for this because it’s not recommended until a year, but if she doesn’t want formula, should I try cows milk? She takes her bottle fine before bed and she still wakes up multiple times in the night to eat and drinks with no problem. It’s just during the day it’s a fight. Since she been up this morning which was around 7:30, she has only taken in 11oz of formula and that was forced on her. Dr said she should be drinking 30oz during the day. Just not sure what to do. Thanks!