I don’t know what to do


I had my lap a few weeks ago and while they found some questionable spots they chose not to biopsy bc I have a history of AMPS and it could lead to other complications so they said I probably don’t have endo and I either have AMPS in my uterus, PCOS, or just chronic pelvic pain (or microscopic endometriosis which idk what that is???)

Either way the treatments r p much the same. She put in an IUD and I got to leave the hospital the same day

I felt pretty good post op given my history of over active nerves and amplified pain

But as of right now I’ve been bleeding (not spotting) for almost three weeks and I’m in so much pain. I’m just so lost and idk what to do

I know endometriosis is a horrible diagnosis but man I cannot go through having AMPS again...

Anyway I’m having a great time and my body is trying to kill me - pls send help:)