Is my supply super low, or is this normal?

Maria • Mommy to 2 girls💕& a baby boy 💙

So for the first 5 days after having my son, I ebf him. His latch wasn't good, he lost 12% of his body weight and his pediatrician confirmed he has a tongue tie. I ended up having to pump after feedings & supplementing with formula as a "top up" to get him to gain back what he lost. I knew it was normal to not pump a lot after a feeding, so I never worried when I basically pumped nothing after he was done. However, my nipples have officially reached a very painful point waiting for this tie appt, and I just can't handle it anymore. For the past 2 days I've been pumping exclusively every 2-3hrs..but I only get 1oz, sometimes a little less from BOTH breasts combined...which seems wrong to me because I haven't put baby to the breast in the past 2 days. Shouldn't the output be way more!? I hope this isn't my supply trying to go away for good since he never latched right 😕