Eczema and Teething

Tiffany • Vegas Native ✨ | LEOW 💙 | Mom of 3 👧🏼👦🏼👧🏼| Home and Natural Birth Advocate 💕

My poor guy has had a rough go of random all over rashes the last week or so. They’re similar to eczema flares but not localized. He’s been getting them all over his trunk, upper arm and thigh and then more mild down his arms and legs. And behind his ears. The regular lotion I use for him is Eucerin for eczema the baby kind. It was working great but doesn’t seem to be helping.

He’s spiked a low fever (100 or less) a few times and maybe a tad more grumpy then usual.

He also pushed his first molar. It’s almost cut thru the skin finally.

Could that be the cause of the rashes?? He’s got a lot of food sensitivities and a few major allergens but as far as I know he’s not had any contact with them.

What do my fellow eczema mommas say??

Sorry I don’t have a good pic! He’s a wiggly 15 month old. 😂