Subchorionic hematoma


I lost my first baby at 8 weeks due to a MMC in April. I had my D&E procedure April 25th and found out I was pregnant June 2nd. I never got a cycle in between. Around 6 weeks I experienced some bleeding at went in for an ultrasound and baby was fine measuring on time with a heartbeat, however, the doctor did see I had a subchorionic hematoma which was causing my bleeding. It sized small and he didn’t seem concerned. He said they actually happen more often than you think. Well fast forward to 10 weeks I started gushing bright red blood and went back in and still have a healthy growing baby but the hematoma is still present. I have been bleeding off and on for about a week after that appointment. To say I’m stressed would be an understatement. The random bleeding episodes leave me so shaken and I’m constantly worried about my baby and have been feeling so depressed lately. I’m trying to hold on to any strand of hope that we’ll make it through this. Please send good thoughts and prayers. 🙏🏻🌈