Constipation in Baby


My 6.5 month old has been dealing with constipation on and off for a while. Maybe 2 month? We’ve tried giving her juice, karo syrup and water, warm baths, massage her tummy, leg exercises, basically everything you’re supposed to do. It usually works after a day or 2 then she goes back to being constipated. She’s on the target brand of Similac Pro Advance is is having purées now 2x per day. We had her on a spit up formula for about a month and I know that contributes to the constipation, but now that we switched her formula back it’s still and issue. I’m just at a loss of what to do at this point. She isn’t in pain and the doctors said as long as there isn’t blood in her stool not to worry, but for this issue to be happening so frequently I can’t help but worry that there could be an underlying issue.

Do you have any other remedies to help with constipation?