Stop using him!!

Ugh!!! I’m so sick and tired of everyone using my SO because they are too fucking lazy to do shit themselves!! Or they are too cheap.

My SO just woke up a few minutes ago and told me that the lady at the front of our housing addition wants him to go pick up a chair for her that she bought.

Why the fuck does this woman feel that she can just text or call him to do whatever she wants/needs him to do? Why can’t she do the shit herself or ask someone else?! She not “old” and perfectly capable.

I swear, I wonder what our family members, friends, and even neighbors would do if they didn’t have my SO around to help them. I love him very much but he just doesn’t know how to just say “no”. He’s too good for this world sometimes.

What makes me even more mad is everyone asks when we are going to have a baby and jokes about how we will be the ones with kids in diapers when their kids are all grown up but yet, they all work him to death and he’s too damn tired to have sex because he works non stop from his job to everyone else calling him or texting him for everything.


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Posted at
Does he enjoy helping people? If not he needs to let them know he’s busy too! Specially if it’s interfering with your sex life. Your relationship should come first. If he does he should set limits like letting him know days in advanced and only serious things.


Ph • Jul 27, 2019
He does charge people and his friends/family members pay him. I just think greed plays a role in him always helping. I love that he is that kind of person of always wanting to help others, maybe I’m just selfish in a way?


M • Jul 27, 2019
If it’s that frequent he has to start charging! Time is money. He’s taking time out of his day and his marriage so maybe he should charge. It’ll probably be awkward and get people mad but that’ll make them respect his time.


Ph • Jul 27, 2019
He doesn’t mind helping people but he gets stuck sometimes especially with family members and friends because he is more knowledgeable about a lot of things and very inclined mechanically so rather than his friends/family members calling a professional and paying the price that everyone else does, they call him and he feels obligated. There are a small amount of things that he won’t do depending on the job but 9 times out of 10, he says ok to.


Posted at
I hate to be the person who says this, but he has to stop letting people walk all over him 💁🏼‍♀️My husband has a tendency to do the exact same thing! He will help people to a fault.Help him set limits and hopefully people will respect those limits and this will no longer be a problem for you guys 💗


Ph • Jul 27, 2019
He knows I don’t care about the money but he’s been this way since before we met. I don’t want to change him or change who he is, I just want him to get on board. Lol


Je • Jul 27, 2019
I would just remind him that the money doesn’t matter (to you personally, from what I’ve read) unless you have a family!! Try to make it clear to him what is most important to you 💗


Ph • Jul 27, 2019
Thank you!! I have brought it up a few times that it is affecting our sex life and he understands and has tried to cut back but I feel like he can get too greedy and enjoys the money which hurts because I sometimes feel that money means more to him than us starting a family together. We both have good jobs and make good money to live so we aren’t hurting, he just loves being the main provider and making money for us to do fun things or have “emergency” money.


Posted at
I know how you feel. My in laws take advantage of my husband and we are now 20 weeks pregnant ans I am worried about him burning out from work, his family and our future baby. I’m not sure how to help you because I am trying to figure it out myself. Right now, I’ve just been asking my husband if he’s doing okay and if he is about to burn out, that he needs to tell me so we can figure it out.


Posted at
My mom tries to use my boyfriend 🙄 “can he pick up your brother after work?” Why? So you can get drunk? It’s so annoying! Take responsibility


Ph • Jul 27, 2019
My mom has no real reason to not like my SO. He helped me become financially stable and pushes me to do better. There’s nothing wrong with him, she just doesn’t get her way anymore so she doesn’t like anyone that stands in the way of that.


Poppy • Jul 27, 2019
Omg, both my parents used to talk mad shit about my ex. Made me sit in the bathroom and cry because I had no idea why they hated him. I do now 😂😂😂


Ph • Jul 27, 2019
My mom does the same. Talks shit about my SO then asks if he can work on her car. 🤦‍♀️