Student loan forgiveness? Please read

So in 2018 I went to a school called bright wood, I started in May of 2018, i was suppose to finish December 8th. Sadly and unexpectedly the school shut down December 5th 3 days before I was suppose to finish and go off too externship🥺.

After a month of trying to find a school to take my credits I finally found one called ITT tech😌They told me great things said I wouldn’t have to pay back my loans from a bright-wood since they closed down and all I would owe was the 4 months of finishing there which was 6,000.

I really wanted to finish so I signed the papers saying how much I owed and all that which was the $6000; In March right before I finished I found out I was pregnant again, we already had 2 kids so a baby wasn’t in the picture.

I have medical issues so I can’t work and my payments are due right when the baby is born and we can’t afford to pay them yet😞. I got curious so I checked out my loan account since I haven’t looked in a while and to my surprise it says I owe 13,000!!!!! It is saying I have to pay for brightwood AND ITT. Which was something I didn’t know😡 so know idk what to do! I have read they can take your taxes but how if I don’t file and I’m not married? Also what happens if I don’t pay right away? Can I get forgiveness? I have looked and keep getting mixed responses I am stressing so much right now I can’t stop thinking about it and now that I know it’s 13,000 I’m more stressed and upset that they lied to me!